Friday, July 5, 2013

Gardening from Scrap #2

Whilst we have been enjoying the spoils of our previous Gardening from Scraps endeavour, we have been waiting patiently for some rosemary sprigs to take root. I read recently (on Pinterest of course) that if you strip away leaves from the bottom inch or two of a sprig of rosemary and place it in water, it will grow roots and you have yourself a new rosemary plant. This seemed like another fun gardening activity for the kids.

In truth, it took a month to grow all the roots you can see in the photo above, and I am sure we could have planted them weeks ago, but life with 3 is busy and the constant rain of late hasn't helped. We also lost a couple of the sprigs when my husband thought I had placed them in a glass jar on the windowsill for his cooking convenience. Fail!

Nonetheless, the rain has finally stopped, the husband has been told not to touch, and we finally planted our little rosemary sprigs in the veggie patch.

What have you been planting this winter?

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