Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Easter Activities

A couple of weeks before Easter my big boy and I set out to decorate some eggs for Easter. I had of course been madly pinning lots of ideas for egg decorating on Pinterest, but in the end we returned to the old favorite of silk-dyed eggs. These looked so spectacular last time I did them, and I knew Noah would love watching the colors transfer onto the eggs. I had a willing egg-blower and we enjoyed some scrambled eggs for lunch after this activity. We had fun wrapping the eggs in the silk ties and Noah even assigned names to each of the eggs.

Whilst we waited for the silk eggs to boil, we attempted to melt crayon shavings onto hot eggs. Unfortunately, we had limited success, with large globs of melted crayon forming on the eggs. So we decided to just scribble different crayon colors onto the hot eggs instead. A much more pleasing result.

Together with the eggs the boys proudly painted with their Nan, we had a nice Easter display for our entrance table.

A few days later, my little boy and I made some Easter sticker garlands. Basically we stuck Easter stickers onto a piece of embroidery wool and then strung the garlands up over the boys door and on the bookshelf. They were super easy, and quick - ideal for keeping the attention on a 2 year old. They are small and unobtrusive, but added a little Easter spirit to our house along with the boys' Easter hats which they decorated at preschool.

With Baby No. 3 arriving just before Easter I was glad we managed a few Easter crafts before her arrival, as Easter was celebrated amidst the fog of having a newborn in the house.

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