
Monday, December 17, 2012

Hand Painted Christmas Wrap

Once again Pinterest has inspired a craft project with my kids. I saw this pin for graffiti gift wrap created by the blogger's kids. I was impressed the blogger had let her kids undertake this craft activity in what appeared to be the living room of their house or apartment in Dallas-Fort Worth. Seeing how my son painted himself as much as the paper - not to mention me, the exterior wall on the house, balcony railing, outdoor plastic furniture and the window - I was certainly glad to have a backyard for this project!

And what fun we had! Once I had convinced Beau I really did want him to paint the large roll of paper on the ground (he seemed surprisingly reluctant to put brush to paint to paper...?), he dove in and started painting and splogging away. Then he accidentally painted my arm, and all attention was off the paper and onto painting himself! And everything in the vicinity! Thank goodness for washable finger paints!

But with Beau's splogges and finger painting, a few stars and spirals from me, we had some pretty great looking gift wrap paintings. (It just got too messy to photograph during the red painting)!

Whilst Beau took his nap these sheets of art turned into Christmas wrapping! Merry Christmas!!

I wonder whose doorstep these presents will arrive on...?

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