
Sunday, February 7, 2010

The Art of Knitting

A friend invited me to join her at a "Knitting Step 1: An introduction to this time honoured tradition" class every Wednesday night in February. I have long been wanting to improve - actually develop - some skills in knitting. In fact, when pregnant in LA a friend and I had intentions of doing a knitting lesson down at the knitting shop on West 3rd Street. Alas, our plans were foiled more than once and we remained knitting-wanna-be's.

When I was home in Sydney back in March 2009, my Grandma tried to impart some knitting knowledge and skills onto me and got me started on a scarf. I even bought a simple pattern book for baby jumpers, and some wool, telling my Grandma that I would have a scarf and jumper knitted for Noah by winter. Well, it is now February, and the scarf is on its way, the jumper pattern is gathering dust - except, that is, for the few times I have flipped it open to follow the instructions for a purl stitch when on rare occasion I have picked up the scarf.

But all that is changing.

Last Wednesday was class number 1. We learnt a whole new vocabulary and a plethora of abbreviations. Cast On (CO) - for which we learnt 2 different versions, Simple and Long-tail (neither of which are at all like the version my Grandma taught me). Knit (K). Stitches = STS. Bind Off = BO. Needless to say I was glad I had brought along a notepad, and regretful that I had not thought to take my glasses. By the end of the 2 hours, I was dizzy from eye strain, from hunger and from thirst - mental note, take food, water and glasses to the next class (oh, and scissors).

We have homework, and I have been sitting at the computer watching You Tube video's entitled "How to knit: Cast On" or "How to purl" etc. I have been browsing blogs and informational websites about patterns and projects and inspiration for us knitters. It is a whole new world.

So what did we achieve in our first class? I made my few rows of K STS (knit stitches for those knitting-illiterates) into a keyring chain. My fellow Knitters mocked and laughed at me, but I hear on the grape vine, that they may have followed suit once we had parted company.

What do I hope to achieve by the end of the 4th class? I am hoping for a scarf and at least enough knowledge to tackle the baby jumper by next winter. I'll keep you posted.

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