
Friday, January 1, 2010

Rolling Snow Balls

December 31 2009 10:11am. I'm sitting on my bed, feeding my baby boy and watching the world outside turn white. For someone who has lived in Sunny Sydney, Perth & LA snow is still a beautiful novelty. And I am still getting used to all that goes along with living in a city that snows.

It now takes me half an hour to dress me and the baby so we can go to the park over the road for 20 minutes for a swing and a slide. There are beanies and mittens and scarves and jumpers and coats and boots and snow suits. Inevidably once we are all dressed and geared up I realize my keys are back in my bedroom. So the boots come off and I go searching. Meanwhile the baby is getting restless from overheating in all those layers.
Slowly I am rearranging our apartment to be more "snow-day" friendly - or just cold-weather-friendly. But it's a slow learning curve.

But right now I am just enjoying the view. And watching 3 boys roll snow balls. I didn't actually think you rolled snow balls. In the movies they do it sure, but that's the movies. But I have learnt something here. 3 boys started pushing small snow balls around and around the playground. Each time they pass my window their balls are bigger. They started no larger than a volleyball and now one of them is so big the boy is struggling to push it. It's at least 4 feet in diameter! Impressive! That is going to be one fantastic snowman!

Now I just need my husband home, the baby awake, and we can roll our own snow balls.

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