
Thursday, October 22, 2009

Vintage Toys

Noah and I enjoy several of the wonderful "Mommy & Me" classes and groups that NYC has to offer, from a relaxed mothers/play-group, to swimming, to music, to yoga. I have found it an amazing way to meet other Moms and babies that are around Noah's age, and they have really helped us settle in quickly to the city.

It was at one of the these classes today, that I came the closest to complete disaster with Noah.

The class was at another Mom's apartment. This Mom is super artistic, being an artist and her husband an art-dealer, and probably not someone I would easily be-friend if we didn't sign up for the same class and have babies of the same age. Lets face it, I was the nerd at school, slightly obsessive-compulsive, a huge advocate for order and presentation. I put clothes together according to the layout in the store, the picture in the window, or what my big sister said was "trendy" (or later my younger sister). I was not the uber-alternative artistic type, who wore wonderfully eccentric vintage clothing in her very own style. This Mom, is just that sort of person, and I admire both the aesthetic qualities in her "loft apartment" and the vintage-sophistication of her clothes (and her daughters). I have always wanted to be the care-free artistic type, but no matter how many times I take it, the Myers-Briggs keeps telling me I am not that type of personality. Oh well.

I was particular impressed with the amazing array of vintage toys set out for this Mom's daughter on the toy-bench in the living room. From a vintage rocking-horse (actually I think it might have been a husky in its former years - it is a bit hard to recognise these days), to 30 year-old Fisher-Price toys - just like what we used to have as kids. Noah, and all the kids in the group love to play at the bench. Sitting up on their knees, grabbing down the unusual toys and objects perched somewhat precariously on the bench. The old cow-bell was a hit today, along with the old-style coloured pegs and board. And this is were we struck disaster.

Noah was playing, along with the 6 other babies, not more than 2 feet from me. He kept turning around to show me his latest find - a coloured peg, the cow-bell, an old Fisher-Price radio toy. He was very proud of himself (usually because he had beaten one of the other babies to the object). Then it was time to go, and I picked him up from the floor and saw a glimpse of something white in his mouth. Now I didn't immediately freak out. He eats everything, and at the moment his favourite is fluff from the shag rug and paper. This is what I figured I would be pulling from his mouth, like I do a thousand times a day to stop him coughing up a fur-paper-ball as big as his fist. But instead, today I pulled out a small white screw! A rather obvious choking hazard.

I turned to the Mom and showed her, to warn her that there could be others around and I didn't want her daughter to eat any. Her reaction took me quite by surprise.

"Oh yes, sorry about that. I did tell some of the Moms there could be a screw lying around."

I'm sorry? You knew there was a screw and yet were quite happy for our "mouth-fixated 10 month old children" to play there? And why tell only some of us? And...the questions kept racing through my head as I absently handed her the screw and said our farewells. Apparently the screw had fallen off one of the previously-admired vintage toys when the babies were playing with it, and she hadn't been able to find it.

No. Because Noah was chewing on it!

I had been feeling bad, that poor Noah only had new toys to play with. No worn-in, old-style, vintage-cool toys like his little play-mate. I no longer have that concern. There is a place for vintage, and it is not in my sons mouth.

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